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faster-moving items

  • 1 ходовые товары

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > ходовые товары

  • 2 rápido

    1 fast, quick, speedy, swift.
    2 fast, express, overnight, quick.
    3 prompt, expeditious, quick, dynamic.
    4 fast, breakneck.
    fast, quickly.
    hurry up, quick, let's hurry up, let's hurry.
    1 rapid, stream, riffle, shoot.
    2 express train, fast train.
    * * *
    1 quick, fast
    1 quickly
    ¡rápido! hurry up!, make it snappy!
    1 (tren) fast train, express train
    1 (del río) rapids
    1 (tren) fast train, express train
    * * *
    1. (f. - rápida)
    fast, quick, swift
    2. adv.
    * * *
    1. ADJ
    1) (=veloz) fast, quick; [tren] fast, express
    2) And, Caribe, Cono Sur [campo, paisaje] fallow
    3) Caribe [tiempo] clear

    ¡y rápido, eh! — and make it snappy! *

    3. SM
    1) (Ferro) express
    2) And, Caribe, Cono Sur (=campo) open country

    rápidos(=rabiones) rapids

    * * *
    - da adverbio <hablar/trabajar> quickly, fast; <conducir/ir> fast

    vamos, rápido, que es tarde! — quick o hurry, we're late!

    tráemelo rápido! — bring it to me, quick!

    adjetivo < aumento> rapid; < cambio> quick, rapid, swift; < desarrollo> rapid, swift

    a paso rápido — quickly, swiftly

    1) (Ferr) express train, fast train
    2) rápidos masculino plural (Geog) rapids (pl)
    * * *
    = cursory, fast [faster -comp., fastest -sup.], fleeting, meteoric, prompt, quick [quicker -comp., quickest -sup.], rapid, ready [readier -comp., readiest -sup.], speedy [speedier -comp., speediest -sup.], swift [swifter -comp., swiftest -sup.], expeditious, fast-paced [fast paced], quick-fire, quick and dirty, rapid paced, accelerated, nifty [niftier -comp., nifitiest -sup.], nippy [nippier -comp., nippiest -sup.].
    Ex. A cursory glance at the first column on this page of the schedules shows you that the terms listed here have a code number assigned to each.
    Ex. This arrangement is faster than waiting until documents are ordered.
    Ex. From time to time librarians do catch a fleeting glimpse of how others see them when some journalist or academic does articulate this widespread phobia.
    Ex. This article discusses the serious implications of published research on price comparisons, especially when periodical prices are experiencing a meteoric rise.
    Ex. In some instances the exploitation of centralised cataloguing records contributes to more prompt cataloguing, since less local cataloguing needs to be performed.
    Ex. Fixed length fields the are economical on storage space, and records using fixed length fields are quick and easy to code.
    Ex. Currency is more important in subjects where developments are rapid, than in more stable areas.
    Ex. Any shelf arrangement systems which do not permit ready location of specific documents are cumbersome for the user or member of staff seeking a specific document.
    Ex. Thus familiarity with normal filing orders becomes an important factor in complete and speedy retrieval from almost all printed sources.
    Ex. For example, books close to the door and the circulation desk may be intended for the user who merely wishes to make a swift selection of items to take away and read elsewhere.
    Ex. Activities can be plotted to allow the librarian to determine the most expeditious route that can be taken to finish the event.
    Ex. Access to current, reliable quality news is an important need in the fast-paced environment of all large corporations and service organisations.
    Ex. The librarian should be at pains to avoid the quick-fire response of the quiz contestant.
    Ex. A ' quick and dirty' method is for all participants to select their 'favourite five' from each category.
    Ex. This is a rapid paced, 30 minute session that introduces students to the concept of a search strategy and to various reference sources in print.
    Ex. The author locates the waning educational computing craze in the historical context of an ed-tech trajectory that has brought visions of accelerated academic achievement followed by disappointment.
    Ex. Cannes and Monaco have lots of money, beautiful women, nifty cars, lots of style and arrogance.
    Ex. Around city and suburbs, the car is nippy and responds well.
    * actuar rápido = be quick off the mark, be quick off the blocks.
    * a un paso rápido = at a rapid pace.
    * a un ritmo rápido = at a rapid pace.
    * avance rápido de imágenes = fast motion.
    * cada vez más rápido = ever faster.
    * comenzar muy rápido = be off to a fast start.
    * comenzar rápido = be quick off the mark, be quick off the blocks.
    * comida rápida = junk food.
    * comprobación rápida = spot check.
    * consulta rápida = ready reference.
    * creación rápida de prototipos = rapid prototyping.
    * de crecimiento más rápido = fastest-growing.
    * de crecimiento rápido = fast-growing, fast-evolving.
    * de desarrollo rápido = fast-evolving.
    * de movimientos rápidos = quick-moving.
    * de rápido crecimiento = rapidly expanding, rapidly growing.
    * de una forma rápida = quickly.
    * de un modo rápido = overnight, at short notice.
    * empezar rápido = be quick off the mark, be quick off the blocks.
    * ir rápido = fly.
    * menos rápidos, los = less fleet of foot, the.
    * mirar rápida y brevemente = catch + sight of.
    * mucho más rápido = far faster.
    * muy frecuente y rápido = rapid-fire.
    * obras de consulta rápida = quick reference material.
    * rápida y enormemente = at a bound.
    * rápidos = rapids.
    * reaccionar rápido = be quick off the mark, be quick off the blocks.
    * recordar de un modo rápido = sweep back to.
    * responder rápido = be quick off the mark, be quick off the blocks.
    * restaurante de comida rápida = fast-food restaurant.
    * ser de crecimiento rápido = be a quick grower.
    * ser muy rápido = be quick off + Posesivo + feet.
    * ser rápido = be quick off the mark, be quick off the blocks.
    * tan rápido como una liebre = as quick as a wink.
    * tan rápido como un rayo = as quick as a wink.
    * tan rápido como un relámpago = as quick as a wink.
    * * *
    - da adverbio <hablar/trabajar> quickly, fast; <conducir/ir> fast

    vamos, rápido, que es tarde! — quick o hurry, we're late!

    tráemelo rápido! — bring it to me, quick!

    adjetivo < aumento> rapid; < cambio> quick, rapid, swift; < desarrollo> rapid, swift

    a paso rápido — quickly, swiftly

    1) (Ferr) express train, fast train
    2) rápidos masculino plural (Geog) rapids (pl)
    * * *
    = cursory, fast [faster -comp., fastest -sup.], fleeting, meteoric, prompt, quick [quicker -comp., quickest -sup.], rapid, ready [readier -comp., readiest -sup.], speedy [speedier -comp., speediest -sup.], swift [swifter -comp., swiftest -sup.], expeditious, fast-paced [fast paced], quick-fire, quick and dirty, rapid paced, accelerated, nifty [niftier -comp., nifitiest -sup.], nippy [nippier -comp., nippiest -sup.].

    Ex: A cursory glance at the first column on this page of the schedules shows you that the terms listed here have a code number assigned to each.

    Ex: This arrangement is faster than waiting until documents are ordered.
    Ex: From time to time librarians do catch a fleeting glimpse of how others see them when some journalist or academic does articulate this widespread phobia.
    Ex: This article discusses the serious implications of published research on price comparisons, especially when periodical prices are experiencing a meteoric rise.
    Ex: In some instances the exploitation of centralised cataloguing records contributes to more prompt cataloguing, since less local cataloguing needs to be performed.
    Ex: Fixed length fields the are economical on storage space, and records using fixed length fields are quick and easy to code.
    Ex: Currency is more important in subjects where developments are rapid, than in more stable areas.
    Ex: Any shelf arrangement systems which do not permit ready location of specific documents are cumbersome for the user or member of staff seeking a specific document.
    Ex: Thus familiarity with normal filing orders becomes an important factor in complete and speedy retrieval from almost all printed sources.
    Ex: For example, books close to the door and the circulation desk may be intended for the user who merely wishes to make a swift selection of items to take away and read elsewhere.
    Ex: Activities can be plotted to allow the librarian to determine the most expeditious route that can be taken to finish the event.
    Ex: Access to current, reliable quality news is an important need in the fast-paced environment of all large corporations and service organisations.
    Ex: The librarian should be at pains to avoid the quick-fire response of the quiz contestant.
    Ex: A ' quick and dirty' method is for all participants to select their 'favourite five' from each category.
    Ex: This is a rapid paced, 30 minute session that introduces students to the concept of a search strategy and to various reference sources in print.
    Ex: The author locates the waning educational computing craze in the historical context of an ed-tech trajectory that has brought visions of accelerated academic achievement followed by disappointment.
    Ex: Cannes and Monaco have lots of money, beautiful women, nifty cars, lots of style and arrogance.
    Ex: Around city and suburbs, the car is nippy and responds well.
    * actuar rápido = be quick off the mark, be quick off the blocks.
    * a un paso rápido = at a rapid pace.
    * a un ritmo rápido = at a rapid pace.
    * avance rápido de imágenes = fast motion.
    * cada vez más rápido = ever faster.
    * comenzar muy rápido = be off to a fast start.
    * comenzar rápido = be quick off the mark, be quick off the blocks.
    * comida rápida = junk food.
    * comprobación rápida = spot check.
    * consulta rápida = ready reference.
    * creación rápida de prototipos = rapid prototyping.
    * de crecimiento más rápido = fastest-growing.
    * de crecimiento rápido = fast-growing, fast-evolving.
    * de desarrollo rápido = fast-evolving.
    * de movimientos rápidos = quick-moving.
    * de rápido crecimiento = rapidly expanding, rapidly growing.
    * de una forma rápida = quickly.
    * de un modo rápido = overnight, at short notice.
    * empezar rápido = be quick off the mark, be quick off the blocks.
    * ir rápido = fly.
    * menos rápidos, los = less fleet of foot, the.
    * mirar rápida y brevemente = catch + sight of.
    * mucho más rápido = far faster.
    * muy frecuente y rápido = rapid-fire.
    * obras de consulta rápida = quick reference material.
    * rápida y enormemente = at a bound.
    * rápidos = rapids.
    * reaccionar rápido = be quick off the mark, be quick off the blocks.
    * recordar de un modo rápido = sweep back to.
    * responder rápido = be quick off the mark, be quick off the blocks.
    * restaurante de comida rápida = fast-food restaurant.
    * ser de crecimiento rápido = be a quick grower.
    * ser muy rápido = be quick off + Posesivo + feet.
    * ser rápido = be quick off the mark, be quick off the blocks.
    * tan rápido como una liebre = as quick as a wink.
    * tan rápido como un rayo = as quick as a wink.
    * tan rápido como un relámpago = as quick as a wink.

    * * *
    ‹hablar/trabajar› quickly, fast; ‹conducir› fast
    ¡vamos, rápido, que es tarde! quick o hurry, we're late!
    corrí todo lo rápido que podía I ran as fast o as quickly as I could
    tráeme un trapo ¡rápido! bring me a cloth, quick!
    ¿puedes ir un poco más rápido? can you go a bit faster?
    vámonos rápido de aquí let's get out of here quickly o ( colloq) quick
    rápido2 -da
    ‹aumento› rapid; ‹cambio› quick, rapid, swift; ‹desarrollo› rapid, swift
    a paso rápido quickly, swiftly
    comida rápida fast food
    es muy rápido de hacer you can make it very quickly, it's very quick to make
    A ( Ferr) express train, fast train
    B rápidos mpl ( Geog) rapids (pl)
    * * *


    rápido 1 adverbio ‹hablar/trabajar quickly, fast;
    conducir/ir fast;
    tráemelo ¡rápido! bring it to me, quick!

    rápido 2 -da adjetivo ‹ aumento rapid;

    cambio quick, rapid, swift;
    desarrollo rapid, swift;

    comida rápida fast food
    ■ sustantivo masculino (Ferr) express train, fast train
    ■ sustantivo masculino
    1 (Ferr) fast train
    rápidos sustantivo masculino plural (Geog) rapids (pl)

    I adjetivo quick, fast, rapid
    comida rápida, fast food
    nos dio una rápida contestación, he gave us a speedy response ➣ Ver nota en fast
    II adverbio quickly, fast: caminas demasiado rápido, you're walking too fast
    ¡rápido!, hurry up!
    III sustantivo masculino 1 rápidos, (de un río) rapids pl
    2 (tren) fast train, express
    ' rápido' also found in these entries:
    - espuela
    - estirón
    - lanzada
    - lanzado
    - ligera
    - ligero
    - rápida
    - cada
    - chiste
    - doble
    - minuta
    - pasar
    - perder
    - posible
    - pronto
    - seguir
    - súper
    - tren
    - brisk
    - cursory
    - dive
    - fast
    - flick
    - flying
    - get-rich-quick
    - hasty
    - high-speed
    - jump in
    - lively
    - nippy
    - passing
    - poof
    - prompt
    - quick
    - quickly
    - rapid
    - rattle through
    - runner
    - rush
    - smart
    - snappy
    - speedy
    - swift
    - trigger-happy
    - and
    - as
    - cataract
    - express
    - intercity
    - reader
    - so
    - walker
    * * *
    rápido, -a
    [veloz] quick, fast; [vehículo, comida] fast; [beneficio, decisión, vistazo] quick;
    ser rápido de reflejos to have quick reflexes
    quickly, fast;
    no conduzcas tan rápido don't drive so fast;
    no hables tan rápido, no te entiendo don't talk so fast, I can't understand you;
    más rápido quicker;
    ¡ven, rápido! come, quick!;
    ¡hazlo/termina rápido! hurry up!;
    si vamos rápido puede que lleguemos a tiempo if we're quick o if we hurry we may get there on time
    1. [tren] express train
    rápidos [de río] rapids
    * * *
    I adj quick, fast
    II m rapids pl
    * * *
    rápido adv
    : quickly, fast
    ¡manejas tan rápido!: you drive so fast!
    rápido, -da adj
    : rapid, quick
    rápidamente adv
    1) : express train
    2) rápidos nmpl
    : rapids
    * * *
    rápido1 adj
    1. (vistazo, lectura, visita) quick
    2. (corredor, tren, animal) fast
    rápido2 adv quickly

    Spanish-English dictionary > rápido

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